Female Entrepreneurship Motivation growTh
29-30 August, Chania, Greece.
The conference is financed under the research project with title “Sinking inequality: Business startup motivation and business growth in female entrepreneurship-For.EMO.sT” (Project No. 3864) of the Programme “Diversity, inequalities and social inclusion” (Programme area “Research within Priority Sectors”), which is co-financed by European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT).
The conference is financed under the research project with title “Sinking inequality: Business startup motivation and business growth in female entrepreneurship-For.EMO.sT” (Project No. 3864) of the Programme “Diversity, inequalities and social inclusion” (Programme area “Research within Priority Sectors”), which is co-financed by European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT).
Call for Papers
Important Dates
Call for papers
Today entrepreneurship has become a necessity in order to secure economic and social prosperity. Even though economic crises afflict the global landscape entrepreneurship remains the most viable solution in these turbulent times. The reduction of income, gender and economic inequalities along with political stability and security are few only reasons that support the previous statement. In the 2016 annual report of the Global Entrepreneurship Network it is clearly reported that "entrepreneurship does not merely transfer existing wealth from one group to another but rather it “grows the pie” by increasing the total amount of economic activity that produces more jobs and more income for more people, the data provides evidence that entrepreneurs are a force for peace, equality and expanded human welfare". Furthermore the world currently entrepreneurial activity attributes to only a 52% signaling that there is still space for growth.
The focal point of the conference lies in analyzing past, present, and future of entrepreneurship. Which entrepreneurship paradigms or practices have proved adequate or inadequate? What, if any, changes are needed? What is the role of education, gender and public policy in the entrepreneurship field? How can we build trust and confidence in young people to innovate and create? The same questions apply to institutions, NGOs and other organizations, which are inexorably tied up with the entrepreneurship field.
The focal point of the conference lies in analyzing past, present, and future of entrepreneurship. Which entrepreneurship paradigms or practices have proved adequate or inadequate? What, if any, changes are needed? What is the role of education, gender and public policy in the entrepreneurship field? How can we build trust and confidence in young people to innovate and create? The same questions apply to institutions, NGOs and other organizations, which are inexorably tied up with the entrepreneurship field.
The focal point of the conference lies in analyzing past, present, and future of entrepreneurship. Which entrepreneurship paradigms or practices have proved adequate or inadequate? What, if any, changes are needed? What is the role of education, gender and public policy in the entrepreneurship field? How can we build trust and confidence in young people to innovate and create? The same questions apply to institutions, NGOs and other organizations, which are inexorably tied up with the entrepreneurship field. The International Conference on Entrepreneurship is for academic researchers, educators and practitioners seeking to promote knowledge, stimulate dialogue and set trends, in the field of entrepreneurship, education and management in entrepreneurship and gender issues in entrepreneurship.
- Entrepreneurship innovation
- The role of government in entrepreneurship growth
- The role of education in entrepreneurship growth
- Crowdfunding
- Venture capitals and the role in entrepreneurship
- Angel-investors
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Gender and Entrepreneurship
- Mentoring
- Organizational Culture